Additional Services
3d Digital model
We perform 3D digital model of the facilities, the main tool for the analysis of interference.
Hydraulics Enginneers
Sanitary sewers´projects. Urban and rural dreinage. Hydraulic competence in premises such as private neighbours. Industrial dreinage. Drain computing. Channels design.
Design of primary and secondary potable water piping, sewage and pluvial drainage. Roads and road accesses.
Materials list
Spreadsheets for rebar lists, material take off.
On site Technical Assistance and Consulting
We offer technical consulting to companies and public entities. Technical assistance and works supervision.
Technical Specifications
We prepare Design Criteria, Technical Specifications for materials and assembly for project developments.
Topograhic Surveys and Geotechnical Studies
Measurement, cadastral subdivisions and lotting. In site altimetry drawings and explorations.